Fifty Shades of Grey Nominated for National Book Awards Book of the Year

First of all, congrats . . . again . . . to E L James for another well-deserved award! Fifty Shades of Grey was named most popular fiction book of the year at the Specsavers National Book Awards in London.


From National Book Awards: “Dubbed the ‘Oscars of the publishing industry,’ The Specsavers National Book Awards showcases the best of British writing & publishing, whilst celebrating books with wide popular appeal, critical acclaim and commercial success.”

This now puts Fifty Shades of Grey on the shortlist for best overall book of the year. The winner will be announced on December 26th.

So let your voices be heard once again FSoG fans by voting here!

A/N: According to the site, voters will automatically be entered into a drawing for National Book Tokens and a Google Nexus 7 tablet. Good luck!



E L James in Final Round of Goodreads Choice Awards 2012

The Goodreads Choice Awards are the only major book awards decided by readers, and E L James fans have spoken!

Voting for the final round is now open and runs through November 27th. E L James is nominated in two categories: Best Romance and Best Goodreads Author.

Let’s continue to let our FSoG fandom voice be heard by supporting the author and voting here!

Niall Leonard: The Master of 50 Shades Author E L James’s Universe

This new article from The Guardian features a very witty and charming Niall talking about his first novel, Crusher, and the unbelievable journey that he and his wife have been on, watching her stories go from fanfiction to bestselling novels.

“If on entering your local bookshop you can find your way past the teetering stacks of EL James’ Fifty Shades trilogy, you might come across a slim new crime novel, Crusher. That one’s mine. Perceptive reviewers have noted that the hero’s father, Maguire, is an embittered Irish hack consumed with envy of his peers. That must be you, they insist. What modern novelist doesn’t envy EL James, the 40-something TV executive and mother of two who has outsold Dan Brown and Stieg Larsson, turbo-boosted the turnover of UK bookshops, and left men the world over begging for less sex and more sleep? But my book is a gritty urban murder mystery; Fifty Shades is an erotic romantic fantasy, and I couldn’t have written it in a million years. I’m the least romantic fecker that ever lived – ask my wife Erika, aka EL James. Our first Christmas together I bought her a tin opener, and my earliest experience of kinky sex was her trying to shove it up my arse.”

“Erika wrote Fifty Shades to entertain herself and a few online friends. She never dreamed it would become a bestseller, still less a landmark in publishing or a figure of speech.”

“Our families and friends were, and are, as thrilled and proud and as amazed as we are, and we soon realised everyone in our street, and eventually the entire neighbourhood, knew exactly who EL James was. All the locals have been lovely, and said very little about it, apart from the occasional polite request for Erika to sign a book. Journalists ask if fans turn up on our doorstep asking silly questions. No, but journalists do. Do we have a dungeon? Or a Red Room of Pain? Maybe, and maybe there’s a helicopter pad on the roof in case Christian Grey drops in for a spanking. Fifty Shades Of Grey is a fantasy – have they forgotten what that means? Do they chase JK Rowling down the street daring her to use her Avra Kedavra spell? Do they ask Hilary Mantel how many courtiers she’s beheaded?”

We cannot begin to do justice to the rest of his words, so we encourage you to read the entire article here — Meet Mr Fifty Shades: EL James’s husband speaks out

To preorder his book, go here — Crusher

Synopsis: The day Finn Maguire discovers his father bludgeoned to death in a pool of blood, his dreary life is turned upside down. Prime suspect in the murder, Finn must race against time to clear his name and find out who hated his dad enough to kill him.